
The leader of that outstanding national organization

making a strong, eloquent, legal/ethical case for

animal rights & "justice."


Plea from the Humane Society Of The United States which helped motivate me to do something "pawsitive"!!!

But here's a good example of a local organization

(like can be found in just about any city or town)

that you should also consider supporting — 

especially the “No Kills”!

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A major crisis we have in the

world today is way too many unwanted/uncaredfor dogs & cats, but not nearly enough compassionate humans

like those reading this webpage.

An obvious solution is to decrease the former while increasing the latter until a happy equilibrium is reached. Pursuant to that goal, a legendary doctor has offered a huge reward for whomever can develop a "magic pill" to quickly/easily/cheaply/SAFELY prevent unwanted pet pregnancies -- essentially a nonsurgical alternative to the conventional spay & neuter programs, which though certainly effective are sadly not feasibly accessible for the millions that desperately need it (for more, see michelsonprizeandgrants.org as well as a “Santa’s Special” free pet ID microchip at foundanimals.org ). 

Once upon a time, I was prepared to offer my organic/analytical chemist talents "pro bondo" to assist in this noble effort. Not being a PhD, however; I'd probably be assigned to wash test-tubes! Consequently,

I've yet to join a research program -- 

preferring instead to just cheer 

from the sidelines while continuing

to rescue these incredibly beautiful abused/abandoned creatures 1-by-1

then find them the "forever" homes

they deserve. I'm hoping the rest

of you animal lovers will actively* 

if possible -- but also by speaking, writing, and generously donating $ to national & local legitimate charities -- do the same!! 

For our “animal amigos” south of 

the border, I highly recommend the  friendsofbajaanimals.org site.

check out boredpanda.com/edgardo-perros-rescues-dogs-on-road-mexico-stuart-williams/

along with weburbanist.com/2013/08/13/homeless-dogs-with-balloons-attract-needed-human-interest/ .


*I welcome volunteers to help make this website bigger & better! (Please reach me through the contact page.)