
Photo courtesy of The Heart Truth

Photo inserts from stations KJZZ/NPR (l.) &  KPHO/CBS (r.)

An anonymous (so I won't embarrass her!) friend who might have been a supermodel or movie star --

but instead used her smarts to become a high-tech executive (while being a great mom in addition to earning a black belt in martial arts, creating delightful music & poetry, and constantly amazing me)

is in my opinion the "Mother Teresa" of all abused/abandoned animals!! Also applauded are three

"animPal Angels" named Melanie, Stephanie, and Ashley!!! Many athletes, entertainers, and other celebrities as well as corporations (whom I'll list later so you'll know what games/movies/concerts

to attend & products/services to buy) are well-publicized for supporting animal rights. Therefore in

future editions I plan to honor all the rest of the kind, valiant guardians for "the Lord's lions to lambs

and everything in between" . . . which could be YOU!

MISUNDERSTOOD Marvelous Mutts!

Note: This is an awesome addition to the already

first-rate facilities of The Arizona Animal Welfare League.

Stories abound how fearless people* have raced into burning buildings or dove into icy waters to save puppies and snatched kittens from the jaws of violent predators. But every bit as heroic is Dr. Gary Michelson.

This wonderful man's leading the charge to prevent pet overpopulation problems -- thus eventually retiring with infinite praise & gratitude the Duffields blessed Maddie's Fund ! (See MISSION statement details.)

​*Who should be awarded a special "animal saints" version of the prestigious Carnegie Medal!! For starters, I nominate four “selfless saviors” tragically dying in dog rescue attempts even Superman probably wouldn’t dare. But also to Rescue Ink, a biker gang with

big biceps & bigger hearts constantly fighting animal crimes.

Photo by U.S. Army Signal Corps


former World Jiu-Jitsu Champion

(Beware of my "bark" & his "BITE"!)




To rescue my animPals, I often must “slay dragons.” “Fair maiden” Jasmine at DCC owns (a bearded) one!

And K.C.(“Kindness to Cats”?) my CPA friend at H&H, 

will keep score on all exemplary deeds like hers!
Linda, Sonia & I once “failed while daring greatly” —

but we’ll ultimately succeed with risky rescues!!
​Ingenious new K9s for Warriors/Puppies & Golf venture.

Animals cry for “America’s Sweetheart” Doris Day . . . 

RIP prominent activist “Bond Girl” Tanya Roberts.

Future sportswriter Jalen’s got a cutie named Nala!
At a recent Mensa meeting, animal patron Ed Bufford stressed how a simple, inexpensive name tag can save your missing pet’s life. (And if these geniuses ever recruit dogs, I’m nominating Willow!) 
Extra bone for U.S. Military Special Ops hero Conan!!
Stay tuned for updates on “latest & (possibly) greatest” member Kylie! Now joined by Starbucks sensation Sara along with forensics/feline fancier barista buddy Megan. Enjoyed Chandler’s recent WOOFstock — especially police dogs & speed/skill tests; also “Phoenix Pets & People Magazine,” “Pawsitive Friendships,” “Pittie Me Rescue,” “Follow Your Heart,” and AZ Humane’s “Teens/Scouts” Programs. Same for 2020 “Dog Fest Companion Animals” show, where met prolific author & artist Lori from Zoonique Publications. Happiest dog in the room has remarkable pal Sharon for a groom! Our friend Laura’s pet-sitting excels as well! 
Out of Africa in Camp Verde, AZ  is superior for unforgettable interactions with “big cats” to any world-leading zoo I’ve ever visited. While everyone claims to have the best products & services, I as a scientist want to check out personally before writing a rave review. Yesterday at “Barktoberfest,” I met reps from Dogs 24/7 & the East Valley Animal Hospital — both of whose intriguing, invaluable offerings merit further attention! 
That CUDDLY Animal Rescue Service seen on tv 

turns helplessness into happiness. 
​Learned lots of valuable tricks from stellar animal behaviorist Jordan at world class Phoenix Dog Training!
Fox’s Emily Compagno is the “heroine” for Hero Dogs. 
Will new friend Isabella win prestigious “Pit Princess”?
Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel” ad for the ASPCA gave

30 million rea$on$ how entertainers can turn personal popularity into a pet passion performance. So if my Indie filmmaker buds Nathan & Michael Hill had Hollywood’s resources, they’d make Mikey Mouse look like King Kong — then win Oscars starring “Larry Lion”!! 

As a youngster, I’d often sneak scraps of food I wasn’t particularly fond of to my dogs under the dinner table. But sadly in many countries, dogs are ON that table. Overjoyed to see enlightened, empathetic world leaders now starting to outlaw this barbaric practice! Same for banning so-called “sports” where innocent, defenseless animals are horribly mistreated —

even (the non-human equivalent of) murdered — 
​in the name of “entertainment”! 
Praise to Gilbert’s enchanting artist Jodee Huish, aptly-named Kim Wolfley, hi-tech exec Marcee Foster, writer Chelsea Walker & the rest of their volunteer team, who at great risk/sacrifice personally rescued many people & animals in the heroic Ukrainan battle for freedom!!

From my recent surgery, exemplary nurses Kathleen & Rio entertained/educated me with cat & dog stories. 
Thanksgiving thanks to Lauree at Big Dog Ranch Rescue for saving refugee pets abandoned at the border. And to Boulder Crest, which helps troubled vets/first responders & horses rescue each other! “Banker To The Stars” (& possibly a future one herself) Madi has a doggie deity named Apollo. Kim & “Cookie”!

Support the fab Phoenix Zoo!!
​Welcomed Austin, Caitlyn & their two “Bark Buddies.”
My most famous model/actress Christie Brinkley is even more beautiful inside!!!(mypetlife.co/seniordogadoption/)

“Heavenly Heroes” at Starbright Foundation do for kids what I pledge to do my humble best for kritters!!!!
Farewell Bob Barker — “Pet Population Prince.”
Curious about that fascinating zoo pic on HOME page (by Jim Gensheimer of the Louisville Courier Journal)?  

BUY MY BOOK!!!!! 🤩😈

"Barry" (Wikipedia)

From Huffington Post

Courtesy of (proud father)

Ted Kasper

"Endal" (Wikipedia)

"Smoky" (Yank magazine)

Poster by The Disney Channel

Talk show megastar Oprah should be praised

as an "Abe Lincoln for Animals" because of her

admirable crusade (like Amanda's above) to free

pleasure-providing pups from irresponsible

buck-bagging breeders. She will be thrilled to learn

that starting in 2019, pet stores in California -- and soon

hopefully the rest of America -- will only be allowed to

sell PRICELESS dogs, cats, etc., obtained from shelters!

Courtesy of All Things Clipart

". . . a little child will lead them." (Isaiah 11:6)

"A Mother's Love"

Movies have been made about dogs like these who've won

more wartime medals than most humans! They've courageously

dodged bullets & bombs to protect their 2-legged "battlefield brothers."

Even today, their descendants play vital roles as police "partners," search & rescue indispensables in natural disaster situations, and trusted service animal "sidekicks" for the mentally/physically disabled.

Bringing unconditional love & boundless enjoyment to the world while showing the rest of us how to laugh and get along with each other!!

"Beautiful INSIDE & out!!"

Artist: Stella Violano

News Flash!

Learning of a 7-year-old boy who gave up his birthday gifts to start a campaign that ultimately liberated over 1000  ecstatic dogs from a kill shelter. Another who did this to purchase 300+ doggie toys. Also a lady golfer who does a fundraising tv promo for

the local no-kill shelter at every city on the pro tour. A kindhearted cop who adopted

a dog he bravely rescued from abusers. "Woof Warrior" Tia Vargas, who carried a 55-pound badly injured lost dog a mile down a treacherous snow covered mountain ---> then was rewarded by becoming its foster mom. And New York Times journalist Carol Mithers, who publicized a novel program about "helping people so they can help dogs.”

(An idea reportedly endorsed by the renowned Best Friends Animal Society *.)

Just when I thought I'd run out of superlatives, discovered a new "Gold Standard" for

individuals: Danny & Ron's Rescue in Florida who deserve "canine-ization" for fostering 11,000 BFFs!  Topping all is owner Tammie Hedges at Crazy's Claws N Paws,

arrested after saving numerous pets from Hurricane Florence over a legal technicality --

for which she should be vindicated and generously $upported. Speaking of support,

inspirational philanthropists Laura Gibney-Williams family matches donations to the

Arizona Humane Society. Readers invited to share more such "😀 stories"!!

P.S. 10/7/18 was extra special. Long lost buddy Brock (rhymes with "a Rock" -- which is what he will be for charitable endeavors) along with a charming lady who "graces" him and two unique pups, just stopped by the coffee shop to repay a favor.  Then my

multi-talented Jasmine, after rescuing an adorable kitten got promoted to potential "SUPERstar" -- since joined by Phuture Phab Physician Natalie! (PETPIX to follow.)

Thanksgiving: I had the good fortune to meet customer Heidi at a local Starbucks.

Shared her many "gifts" by rescuing three Chihuahuas!

Christmas: Farewell faithful friend/nice neighbor's dog Cielo. Don't know whether it

was my charismatic personality or (probably!) the treats hanging out of my back pocket that attracted her, but she was always there with a wildly excited greeting to make me

feel important & loved. You invariably beat me on our frequent, fun "race up the stairs" --

but I'll catch up with you someday!!

*Visited their Utah sanctuary last month. Impressed me as a "Disneyland for Dogs/Mayo

for Mutts," "Castle for Cats," "Heaven for Horses," "Playground for Pigs & Parrots," etc. Next on bucket list: visiting set of Animal Planet’s quirky Pit Bulls & Parolees along with meeting celebrated “Dog Whisperer” Cesar Millan. And possibly Old Friends Equine, preventing retired race horses like KY Derby winner “Ferdinand” from being pet food

     WOOFS & PURRS beat $2M sportscar!


For courts that are at last administering true justice in cases of animal atrocities. (Cheers to Animal Legal Defense Fund & "Judge Jeanine" for Supreme Court!). Also to influential Fox tv host Tucker Carlson, Genesis Award winning “Comedy King" Ricky Gervais, rockstar Chrissie Hynde, and “Idol Icon” Simon — employing powerful platforms (& wallets) to spotlight/stop animal abuse. Olympic stars to ordinary citizen protesters like Mercy For Animals whose gallant lawful actions spared countless dogs, cats, and horses. Prime examples: Revered war veterans opposing any non-productive medical research using animals. Dog Is My Co-Pilot rescues thousands from overcrowded shelters by flying them to wherever they’re welcomed!! And FourPaws just dramatically saved a zoo lion & wolf in brave Ukraine!!

For my gorgeous sister Debbie for the quick-reacting prevention of an elevator catastrophe for her darling dog.

Her husband Tom, the "rainmaker" at a prominent law firm

who brings "sunshine" to pets. And their smart son Scott, presently in biomedical training to hopefully win that coveted $25M Michelson Prize ! 

For my "Harvard brain plus Secretariat’s heart" brother Mike-->

who lives with five strays he's adopted. And has pledged

"mini-Gatesian" support for this venture as his earth critical sustainable energy & food businesses prosper!! (Also to Blue Buffalo for a delicious, healthy gift to his Mexico rescue team.)

​For ME, who miraculously helped find a happy home

for an "overly playful" pit pup one day before the "needle."

(Special thanks to Trey at HALO Animal Rescue in Phoenix.

Also to Adam, the magnanimous manager at my apartments!)

First order of business will be "snipping & socialization" --

the latter at a premier puppy palace like PetSmart or Petco. 

For the precocious, promising *veterinarians* in my

elementary school level "Super Scientists Society."

And Dr. Hayley Schafer at Caring Hearts Animal Clinic,

who gave me advice years ago when I began this project.

For an extraordinary life coach friend who just donated a

sizable gift she received to Gentle Barn. (I joke how “Mandy & The Mutt” is a sequel to Disney classic “Lady & The Tramp”!)

with me I jokingly refer to as "Mandy & the Mutt."

(Remember that Hollywood classic "Lady & the Tramp"?)

​​​For "Pastor Skylar" & his lovely wife, who are already doing on a smaller scale

what my dream is on the HOME page. As is Pulitzer Prize winning journalist

Glenn Greenwald, building an animal shelter in Brazil staffed by homeless people. Also animal advocate "Doc Andrews," the finest primary care physician I know.

And likewise my own glorious parents, teaching me as a child a reverence for/ charity towards all life!!!

For three of my favorite dining spots at Wildflower BreadChipotle, and Papa Johns

recently sponsoring animal welfare fundraisers. And I'm confident of soon recruiting

Sean, Trina, "D2," Nathan, Jessica, Taylor, Celine, Kennedi, Gladys, Tanya, Bree,

Vanessa, Nick, Michelangelo, Josiah, Kyle, Kaycee, Abbie, and several of my other academic/athletic proteges from Starbucks & Subway as "ace animPal  assistants" headed for brilliant careers in a variety of exciting fields!

For volunteers at the Phoenix Animal Care Coaliton (PACC911) -- whose founder Bari Mears is like a "Fairy Dogmother" powerfully uniting over 100 fantastic groups

sheltering & preparing fine, fun, 4-legged friends for fortunate families!! Also at Gilbert's Friends for Life,  for their annual "BARKtoberfest" celebrating adoptions.  And Aimee’s Farm Animal Sanctuary, which works wonders on a shoestring budget.
​All in my opinion, worthy Animal Wellness Magazine “Rescue Network” partners.

For my "Fab Friend of Feral Felines" neighbor Margaret, who actually convinced

Red Sox rooter me to (almost) like the Yankees! And I now in fact do after my

reality star neighbor Brooke & her delightful daughter Sofia — whose dad was a strikeout sensation for them — rounded up a rambunctious rover!!

For Andy, Zach, and Luke at GoDaddy "24/7 Customer Support" as well as Bob

at the Apple "Genius Bar," who fixed a difficult problem so I could beat my deadline.

Note: Will publish this inspirational story (of unknown origin) about a brave Marine & his faithful companion

IF I can get verification. Factual or not, it still exemplifies how as they say, "GOD spelled backwards is dog " . . . 

and why they're our best friends!!!

"Sergeant Stubby" (Wikipedia)

St. Francis -- the quintessential "animPal " (Wikipedia)

Heartwarming picture of the "Rainbow Bridge," for which one can Google that famous poem.

Pets shall lead the way to Paradise -- enthusiastically welcoming Masters when our time comes.

'Til then, let's appreciate all the spectacular things they do to give us treats! (Pet pal Norman 

has already crossed it.) Fond memories of my first dog “Duke, also “Spitz” . . .

Majestic “Cecil the Lion” & noble “Harambe the Gorilla” (now tragic
“Eko the Tiger”) will protect all the other lovely creatures there!!



Who will be named the CompassionKing, the Cat Queen,

the Pit Bull Prince, and the Puppy Princess ? Nominations

as well as rules & suggestions for other titles/awards welcomed. Prizes to be announced!!!

Alya Michelson’s Adopt & Shop/Catty Wagon are pet paragons!

Much as I hate to show favoritism, I personally nominate

(and am also counting the votes for!) Tony La Russa, 

whose 40,000 dog & cat ARF “companion-couplings” 

glitter even more than the baseball diamonds where

he managed his entrance to the Hall-Of-Fame!!

Congrats to Nutrition Coach extraordinaire Bekka on grand opening of “PlanTopia4U” at her impressive Health.Rocks

website —  a realistic way to happiness through wellness

(that will undoubtedly also make billions of animals happy)!

And you can forget all those lawyer jokes. Just met Phoenix

SuperLawyer Chris Ingle, whose two rescue kitties have just voted him their “Smart with a Heart” winner!! Welcome to Phoenix, Heidi’s Village (Dogs & Cats A-Z) Well-deserved Oscar for Joaquin Phoenix, “Mr. Voice for the Voiceless.” FOXy Lara

is a “Joan Of Arc” for oppressed peoples & animals everywhere. 

Diane the Desperate Dogs’ Delight!!!”(Friends Of Baja Animals).

Today’s grand grant to the Arizona Humane Society successfully 

built Terry Lazin her “animal angel wings.”👼 Harry & Meghan

will always be “royalty”🤴👸 to all the animals they’ve saved — which a smiling Oprah revealed on tonight’s “must see tv.”

Another must see is We Love Animals on social media FB. Bet singing sensation Billie Eilish cherishes her PETA award like she does her “Platinums”! Finally, eye doc assistant Madelyne “sees” the secret wonder of (to borrow from a classic book) “all creatures great & small.” And Shawn at GoDaddy — ​with three exotic dogs of his own — just $aved us lots of “doggie bones & catnip” on a bill for their superb products/services!! P.S. A young man on tv uses his artistic talents to introduce irresistible shelter residents to potential adopters. Also, fine personal banker Garrett has offered to publicize animPals on social media. Every little bit helps!


Congrats to Texas for literally “breaking the chains” on torturous treatment of dogs. Yay for all the “No-kill” pioneers!!

Just heard about another “pet paradise”: D.E.L.T.A. Rescue.
And thrilled to learn that the Arizona Humane Society has begun building at Papago Park what’s reportedly the most advanced care facility for homeless animals in the Southwest.
Give yourself a great Christmas present with a FREE adoption from the Arizona Animal Welfare League/SPCA!

Shoutout to ABC for celebrating the “Betty White Challenge.” And Mars plus thousands of adopters who met it in $weet ways!!
On this site, “Zeus” is new. Has a nice talented mistress Deja too!

LegalZoom&Hoop protects my (soon-famous) animPals brand!!!

Just met three delightful neighbors. Cathy with her cute cat, Bella. Also Paula & Lexi with their courteous (well-trained) canines, who’ve earned treats next time we meet as long as they’re wearing those hot pavement booties from “Santa Paws”!

The word quality is overused. But deserved by new friends

Cody & Marissa, whose ❤️  for animals is even bigger than

his biceps & her smile. (Just ask “Bogey” & “Bentley”!!)

Impressive Huskies animPal (& future doc?) Kelly doubled my high jump record—but to save my ego, she used a pole!!!
​Met remarkable RAIN “Rescuer” Katherine & “Prez” Wayne. 
​Multi-talented “pet luvvers” Dylan & Briann are well on their way to a life of success/happiness/GIVING. Good luck!

Part of Alexandra’s “greatness” is her favorite adopted pretty pit. Chandler Dental Nicole’s “Titan” likes her tooth decay fightin’.
​Future nurse Kayla can even make grouchy “Garfield” smile!

Jeremy & his pals are true “hotties” after rescuing pit pet Obi from the devastating forest fires! And Jade’s coffee rescues ME!!

Congrats to Chapman BMW on their “Cars For Canines.”

Standout ICU nurse Julie has a future Blue Ribbon Winner pup.

”Doc L” rescues strays & prevents overpopulation!

Cheers for the “Bissell Pet (Happy/Healthy Home) Promise”!!

And never forget National Pet Day every April 11 !!!

Michelson Foundation has just announced a tremendous milestone for non-surgical pet sterilization, but more to be done.

Three new “.coms” every true animPal will love: thenomeattreat, 

cantbeatplant, and petless protein. Revolution is coming!!!!